Thursday, May 10, 2007

Almost finished with week one

Essentially, I'm going to use this to keep track of what I do at work. I may write about other things. It may all depend on what I feel like and how much time I have. I should update daily so that I remember what things I did at work.

Went on Boardman and Poland rounds with Denise. Learned the ranks. Wrote a brief about a woman who stole $10,000 worth of jewelry from J.C. Penney. Started a story on Boardman's Memorial Day parade.

Went to Poland for rounds. Returned to newsroom and drove Angie to St. E's in Austintown to talk to the police officer who was shot. Finished the parade story. Started a story on watershed.

Made the entire rounds trip with no interruptions. Lots of crime in Boardman. Wrote three briefs and two were printed. Those printed were on a Molotov cocktail and drug possesion and trafficking. Worked on the watershed story. Started a story on some area teens going on a free trip to Israel.

Interviewed someone for the Israel story. Went on rounds by myself. Talked to my second source for the Israel story. Wrote a brief which turned into a story about a guy jumping at a school bus window, inducing panic. Then spent lots of time working on a story about a government official not paying for his chicken wings, solely based on some confusion about store names and locations. Stayed an hour and a half longer than I was supposed to.

So that's up to now. I'll check in again tomorrow.

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