Thursday, July 12, 2007

week nine

Monday: I spent the day writing my upholsterer story and working on the traffic piece. I rewrote the intro to the traffic story, but it got changed again later.

Tuesday: I went to the Centennial Garden in Poland that the Gardeners Club refurbished. The opening for the gardens is a few weeks away, but because of vacationing club members, I got the interviews done early. Then I went on rounds, and nothing exciting was happening is the suburbs.

Wednesday: off because of holiday

Thursday: I finished up traffic and my Harry Potter preview. Both took obscene amounts of time and the HP article took so much research. I hadn't realized I was so out of the HP loop, but I was the only one on staff who was any type of HP knowledgeable. Todd and I worked together on the beginning of the traffic story for a while in the afternoon.

Friday: I gave the traffic piece one last read. Both traffic and HP were planned to run on A1 on Sunday. woot! I also walked downtown to one of the old theaters that is in disrepair and a YSU art professor is hanging murals/blown up photographs of theaters and Ytown on the walls. So I did a pretty sweet story on him.

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