Jetzt es ist Winter. Hurrah! Und es gibt auch Schnee. Ich liebe Schnee so viel. Hoeffentlich waehrend der Winterpause kann ich Ski- oder Snowboardlaufen. Meine Freundenenn und ich haben eine Schneeballschlacht fuer den erster grosser Schneefall. Vielleicht haben wir die Schneeballschlacht diese Wochenende.
Auch diese Wochenende muss ich fuer meine Abschlusspruefungen studieren. Ich habe eine Wirtschaftlichkeitpruefung und eine Deutschpruefung. Ich muss ein Artikel fuer eine Journalismuskurs schreiben und ich muss mein Glasprojekt anfechten. Hoeffentlich alle geht mir gut.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
deutsch: fußball
Heute Abend spielt der BGSU Fußballmannschaft. Aber ich habe keine Ahnung über den Spiel. Ich kümmere mich um die Blaskapelle. Ich war in die Blaskapelle die letze zwei Jahren. Meine Mitbewohnerin ist noch. Und diese Woche die Halbzeitschau ist sehr spezial. Sie ist original. Orignale Musik und orignales Marschieren. Ich schaue die Schau voraus!
Monday, October 8, 2007
deutsch: fall break
Für Fall Break, ein amerikanen Feiertag, habe ich nach Washington, D.C. geflogen. Ich habe gereisen weil ich eine Journalismuskonferenz besucht habe. Die Konferenz ist die Society of Professional Journalists National Konvention gewesen. Die beste Sitzung ist mit Bob Woodward und Carl Bernstein gewesen. Diese Männer sind Journaliste für die Washington Post Zeitung gewesen. Sie haben über Watergate geschrieben.
In D.C. habe ich Watergate Hotel gesehen. Ich habe viele anderen Sehenswürdigkeiten gesehen: die White House, die National Archives, die Library of Congress, die Supreme Court, die Capitol Building, und die Denkmale: Welt Kreig II, Washington, Lincoln und Jefferson. Alle sind sehr mächtig gewesen.
In D.C. habe ich Watergate Hotel gesehen. Ich habe viele anderen Sehenswürdigkeiten gesehen: die White House, die National Archives, die Library of Congress, die Supreme Court, die Capitol Building, und die Denkmale: Welt Kreig II, Washington, Lincoln und Jefferson. Alle sind sehr mächtig gewesen.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
deutsch: herbst
Gestern und heute habe ich sehr Durst gehabt. Immer und durch den ganzen Tag. Und dann, am Montag und Dienstag habe ich schlechten aufgesprungenen Lippen. Wie geht's?
Jetzt ist es Herbst. Das ist was geht. Ich habe mich auf dem Kalt nicht eingerichtet. Es ist Zeit fuer eine Jacke. Die Morgen sind kalt, aber sie sind sehr schoen. Die Sonne ist helle und der Himmel ist blau.
Ich habe drei fruehen Morgen diese Woche gehabt. Ich liebe Morgen wenn die Sonne gerade angestiegen. Aber habe ich nicht genug Zeit, diese Zeit sehr oft zu sehen.
Jetzt ist es Herbst. Das ist was geht. Ich habe mich auf dem Kalt nicht eingerichtet. Es ist Zeit fuer eine Jacke. Die Morgen sind kalt, aber sie sind sehr schoen. Die Sonne ist helle und der Himmel ist blau.
Ich habe drei fruehen Morgen diese Woche gehabt. Ich liebe Morgen wenn die Sonne gerade angestiegen. Aber habe ich nicht genug Zeit, diese Zeit sehr oft zu sehen.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
deutsch: fleißig wie eine Biene
Ahh, ein idiomatischer Ausdruck und er ist richtig. Manchmal wuensche ich, dass ich nur vier Kurse habe und nicht sieben-- dann vielleicht ich andere Aktivitaten tun kann, nicht dass ich andere Aktivitaeten brauchen. Heute war die erste Nacht seit Schule begann, dass ich meine Hausaufgaben vorher 8 oder 9 oder 10 Uhr begann.
Aber ich muss nicht klagen. Alle der Sorgen, alle der spaeten Naecht diese Semester und vielleicht naechstes Semester auch sind fuer Deutsch und Salzburg. Ich vermisse Salzburg und ich will mehr Deutsch lernen, also ich entschied mich letztes Jahr, dass ich meines Seniorjahr in Salzburg verbringen wird.
Was meint das? Das meint ich habe so viel Journalismus dieses Semester. Drei Kurse plus The BG News plus der Rec Sports Beruf. Naechstes Semester wird drei mehr Kurse.
Obwohl meine Kunstkurse wird vielleicht einigen Kopfschmerzen spaeter sein (seit muss ich fuer eine zuzatzliche Hausaufgabensession/ Kunstmachensession fuer drei Stunde jeder Woche), wird ich viele Glasstuecke machen.
Jetzt ist es Zeit fuer eine bisschen Volkswirtschaft...
Gute Nacht und bis spaeter.
Aber ich muss nicht klagen. Alle der Sorgen, alle der spaeten Naecht diese Semester und vielleicht naechstes Semester auch sind fuer Deutsch und Salzburg. Ich vermisse Salzburg und ich will mehr Deutsch lernen, also ich entschied mich letztes Jahr, dass ich meines Seniorjahr in Salzburg verbringen wird.
Was meint das? Das meint ich habe so viel Journalismus dieses Semester. Drei Kurse plus The BG News plus der Rec Sports Beruf. Naechstes Semester wird drei mehr Kurse.
Obwohl meine Kunstkurse wird vielleicht einigen Kopfschmerzen spaeter sein (seit muss ich fuer eine zuzatzliche Hausaufgabensession/ Kunstmachensession fuer drei Stunde jeder Woche), wird ich viele Glasstuecke machen.
Jetzt ist es Zeit fuer eine bisschen Volkswirtschaft...
Gute Nacht und bis spaeter.
the new use for the blog/weeks one and two
yes, this blog will still be used to keep track of my internship this semester, but it's new use will be for some german assignments.
This week and last week in intership-land:
Last week: I met with Lona to discuss my duties and to meet the Rec Sports staff. I decided I'd start with the curling web page first. I'm updating info and writing new stories. I will be going out with the guys who will be laying the ice.
This week: met with Scott from the BG city curling club to talk about their activities. I'm meeting with PJ from the university club next week. I am going to meet with Lona on Thursday mornings, and this morning, we talked about what I was working on and what I'll be doing next. After this curling stuff right now, I will be meeting with a trainer from the Rec to do a feature for the Rec Center. Then it will be time for laying the ice.
This week and last week in intership-land:
Last week: I met with Lona to discuss my duties and to meet the Rec Sports staff. I decided I'd start with the curling web page first. I'm updating info and writing new stories. I will be going out with the guys who will be laying the ice.
This week: met with Scott from the BG city curling club to talk about their activities. I'm meeting with PJ from the university club next week. I am going to meet with Lona on Thursday mornings, and this morning, we talked about what I was working on and what I'll be doing next. After this curling stuff right now, I will be meeting with a trainer from the Rec to do a feature for the Rec Center. Then it will be time for laying the ice.
week twelve
Monday: I worked on the Gary Puckett/Generation Us article for the entertainment section. I spent a long time on the phone with Mariano.
Tuesday: I started work late so I could interview The Kellys, a Warren band playing in the Generation Us concert.
Wednesday: More GU calls getting the other pieces to the story.
Thursday: I wrote an obituary about a woman who died who worked at the Board of Elections. I spent the afternoon tracking down people who knew her. I also got some more calls for the GU story, notably from Warren's mayor and from the other performer Treasure Guffy.
Friday: I wrote my final internship stories. I went to the northside swimming pool opening. Then I finished the GU story after talking to one final person. Then I wrote the pool story and then wrote a story about a benefit car show in Boardman a car club was having. I stayed late on my last day of work, but I needed to get everything finished.
Tuesday: I started work late so I could interview The Kellys, a Warren band playing in the Generation Us concert.
Wednesday: More GU calls getting the other pieces to the story.
Thursday: I wrote an obituary about a woman who died who worked at the Board of Elections. I spent the afternoon tracking down people who knew her. I also got some more calls for the GU story, notably from Warren's mayor and from the other performer Treasure Guffy.
Friday: I wrote my final internship stories. I went to the northside swimming pool opening. Then I finished the GU story after talking to one final person. Then I wrote the pool story and then wrote a story about a benefit car show in Boardman a car club was having. I stayed late on my last day of work, but I needed to get everything finished.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
week eleven
Monday: I worked on a story about Dogster, trying to get permission to post on their message board and reading about the organization.
Tuesday: I went first to the Rescue Mission of Mahoning Valley for a story about Project Daymaker, which provides haircuts for free to homeless people. When I arrived, I was told the event was canceled. Then at 10 I went downtown for the official opening of the murals that I wrote about a few weeks ago. Upon returning from that, Todd, the e-i-c, took the interns downtown to the candy store and gave us a tour of the presses.
Wednesday: I went first to Canfield where Mill Creek Park's farm is. Every Wednesday kids work on their vegetable gardens there, and this week's special activity was making bread. So I covered this and wrote the story after I returned.
Thursday: I worked a later shift so that I could go to the Poland library for their Harry Potter party. It was really sweet. They turned one of the rooms into the Grand Hall at Hogwarts.
Friday: I worked an even later shift so that I could cover the midnight release of the book at Barnes & Noble. I stayed for a few hours, interviewing the teens who were first in line for the book. It was not as good as the event the night before. I wrote the story there and then came back to the office to write the cutlines for the photos.
Tuesday: I went first to the Rescue Mission of Mahoning Valley for a story about Project Daymaker, which provides haircuts for free to homeless people. When I arrived, I was told the event was canceled. Then at 10 I went downtown for the official opening of the murals that I wrote about a few weeks ago. Upon returning from that, Todd, the e-i-c, took the interns downtown to the candy store and gave us a tour of the presses.
Wednesday: I went first to Canfield where Mill Creek Park's farm is. Every Wednesday kids work on their vegetable gardens there, and this week's special activity was making bread. So I covered this and wrote the story after I returned.
Thursday: I worked a later shift so that I could go to the Poland library for their Harry Potter party. It was really sweet. They turned one of the rooms into the Grand Hall at Hogwarts.
Friday: I worked an even later shift so that I could cover the midnight release of the book at Barnes & Noble. I stayed for a few hours, interviewing the teens who were first in line for the book. It was not as good as the event the night before. I wrote the story there and then came back to the office to write the cutlines for the photos.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
week ten
Monday: I spent a long time on the phone listening to people complain about my stories or stories that we haven't covered. I also wrote a story about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix tickets and their availability.
Tuesday: I wrote most of my HPOF story before heading out to the theater. I arrive at 8:30 with Leslie, the photographer. We interviewed, photographed and sat around and waited for people to show up. Enough did before our deadline, but if we had had more time, the story would have been lots better. But it did run front and center.
Wednesday: I went downtown for the mural opening, but it was canceled because of the rain. I also had a few phone calls that took up some of the day. I spent most of the afternoon reading two Web sites for a story I'm working on. They are MySpaces for cats and dogs.
Thursday: I spent some more time with the dog Web site, wrote a brief about a free haircutting service for homeless people and then started a story about a school that is having an August ground breaking ceremony.
Friday: I went to Mill Creek Park for a preschool ladybug event. It was adorable. I talked to the new school's superintendent for my story and finished that.
Tuesday: I wrote most of my HPOF story before heading out to the theater. I arrive at 8:30 with Leslie, the photographer. We interviewed, photographed and sat around and waited for people to show up. Enough did before our deadline, but if we had had more time, the story would have been lots better. But it did run front and center.
Wednesday: I went downtown for the mural opening, but it was canceled because of the rain. I also had a few phone calls that took up some of the day. I spent most of the afternoon reading two Web sites for a story I'm working on. They are MySpaces for cats and dogs.
Thursday: I spent some more time with the dog Web site, wrote a brief about a free haircutting service for homeless people and then started a story about a school that is having an August ground breaking ceremony.
Friday: I went to Mill Creek Park for a preschool ladybug event. It was adorable. I talked to the new school's superintendent for my story and finished that.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
week nine
Monday: I spent the day writing my upholsterer story and working on the traffic piece. I rewrote the intro to the traffic story, but it got changed again later.
Tuesday: I went to the Centennial Garden in Poland that the Gardeners Club refurbished. The opening for the gardens is a few weeks away, but because of vacationing club members, I got the interviews done early. Then I went on rounds, and nothing exciting was happening is the suburbs.
Wednesday: off because of holiday
Thursday: I finished up traffic and my Harry Potter preview. Both took obscene amounts of time and the HP article took so much research. I hadn't realized I was so out of the HP loop, but I was the only one on staff who was any type of HP knowledgeable. Todd and I worked together on the beginning of the traffic story for a while in the afternoon.
Friday: I gave the traffic piece one last read. Both traffic and HP were planned to run on A1 on Sunday. woot! I also walked downtown to one of the old theaters that is in disrepair and a YSU art professor is hanging murals/blown up photographs of theaters and Ytown on the walls. So I did a pretty sweet story on him.
Tuesday: I went to the Centennial Garden in Poland that the Gardeners Club refurbished. The opening for the gardens is a few weeks away, but because of vacationing club members, I got the interviews done early. Then I went on rounds, and nothing exciting was happening is the suburbs.
Wednesday: off because of holiday
Thursday: I finished up traffic and my Harry Potter preview. Both took obscene amounts of time and the HP article took so much research. I hadn't realized I was so out of the HP loop, but I was the only one on staff who was any type of HP knowledgeable. Todd and I worked together on the beginning of the traffic story for a while in the afternoon.
Friday: I gave the traffic piece one last read. Both traffic and HP were planned to run on A1 on Sunday. woot! I also walked downtown to one of the old theaters that is in disrepair and a YSU art professor is hanging murals/blown up photographs of theaters and Ytown on the walls. So I did a pretty sweet story on him.
Monday, July 2, 2007
week eight
Monday: I went on rounds, but took much longer at Poland than expected because they finally updated their police reports. So instead of heading to Boardman police, I went to Youngstown to interview an upholsterer. He's been in the business for 50-some years and learned from his father-in-law. (I've been named the old-man-still-in-the-business reporter.) I spent about an hour with him, and when I left, I received a call from the office, asking me to specifically get information about some fights at a church festival from Boardman police. While I was there, the three TV stations showed up, so I joined their press conference with the police chief. I interviewed him afterwards, then the cop who fought the juvenile with the gun. Then I went to the church where the fights happened and talked to them.
Tuesday: I spent most of the morning making lists of people to talk to for two stories I had been assigned - one about 7/7/07 being a big wedding day and the other about all the Harry Potter events going on here. I then started writing the Harry Potter story. After lunch, the interns had a "huddle" with the e-i-c and went through some stories in the paper and critiqued some of our own work. I shared my traffic story. With the group's suggestions, I worked on the traffic story the rest of the afternoon. I also wrote a brief about a Salvation Army collection.
Wednesday: I worked on the traffic story and Harry Potter story. I spent a while brushing up on Harry Potter facts and reading fan Web sites. I hadn't realized people liked HP so much. Then Todd, the e-i-c, went through my traffic story with me. I spent most of the afternoon working on that.
Thursday: I talked to Howland police for my traffic story, which was great. They do patrol a specific road different because of all the traffic on it. I worked on Harry Potter, and we put an advertisement on the Web site and in the paper for Harry Potter fans to contact me for the story. I also started writing the story about the upholsterer.
Friday: I made some calls to people that know the upholsterer for some added color for the story and talked to two people. I also started receiving calls and emails from HP fans. I made plans to meet a girl and her dad at Barnes and Noble and then to meet a family with four kids at their house. I went on rounds before my HP interviews and then straight to Barnes and Noble. The girl brought two of her friends, so that was even better. The four kids were funny - they were dressed up in their HP garb when I got to their house. When I returned I worked on the upholsterer story until it was time to go.
Tuesday: I spent most of the morning making lists of people to talk to for two stories I had been assigned - one about 7/7/07 being a big wedding day and the other about all the Harry Potter events going on here. I then started writing the Harry Potter story. After lunch, the interns had a "huddle" with the e-i-c and went through some stories in the paper and critiqued some of our own work. I shared my traffic story. With the group's suggestions, I worked on the traffic story the rest of the afternoon. I also wrote a brief about a Salvation Army collection.
Wednesday: I worked on the traffic story and Harry Potter story. I spent a while brushing up on Harry Potter facts and reading fan Web sites. I hadn't realized people liked HP so much. Then Todd, the e-i-c, went through my traffic story with me. I spent most of the afternoon working on that.
Thursday: I talked to Howland police for my traffic story, which was great. They do patrol a specific road different because of all the traffic on it. I worked on Harry Potter, and we put an advertisement on the Web site and in the paper for Harry Potter fans to contact me for the story. I also started writing the story about the upholsterer.
Friday: I made some calls to people that know the upholsterer for some added color for the story and talked to two people. I also started receiving calls and emails from HP fans. I made plans to meet a girl and her dad at Barnes and Noble and then to meet a family with four kids at their house. I went on rounds before my HP interviews and then straight to Barnes and Noble. The girl brought two of her friends, so that was even better. The four kids were funny - they were dressed up in their HP garb when I got to their house. When I returned I worked on the upholsterer story until it was time to go.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
week seven
Monday: I finished the paint story, went on rounds and went to court with Denise to see how sentencings work.
Tuesday: I made more Heelys calls, worked on the traffic story, talked to a guy from Wendy's for the traffic story, called the Wendy but never got to talk to her, and then went to the opening event for the summer reading program at the library. A children's book writer and song writer was the main attraction.
Wednesday: Made traffic phone calls and talked to McDonalds.
Thursday: I had a really good traffic interview, we had an entire staff meeting with pizza, and then I went kayaking for a story about the kayak program at the park. Then I came back to the newsroom with a soaked notebook and wrote my story.
Friday: I added the information from the previous day's traffic interview to my story. It was what I had needed and was really glad to have had that interview. Then I went out to Boardman Park to talk to average joe's about the traffic. I didn't have any problems talking to these people because they all hate the crazy traffic in the area. With those interviews, the traffic story is nearing completion. Finally.
Tuesday: I made more Heelys calls, worked on the traffic story, talked to a guy from Wendy's for the traffic story, called the Wendy but never got to talk to her, and then went to the opening event for the summer reading program at the library. A children's book writer and song writer was the main attraction.
Wednesday: Made traffic phone calls and talked to McDonalds.
Thursday: I had a really good traffic interview, we had an entire staff meeting with pizza, and then I went kayaking for a story about the kayak program at the park. Then I came back to the newsroom with a soaked notebook and wrote my story.
Friday: I added the information from the previous day's traffic interview to my story. It was what I had needed and was really glad to have had that interview. Then I went out to Boardman Park to talk to average joe's about the traffic. I didn't have any problems talking to these people because they all hate the crazy traffic in the area. With those interviews, the traffic story is nearing completion. Finally.
week six
I'm late posting, like always. This, though, is the most behind I've been.
Sunday: I covered Boardman High School's commencement ceremony. I attended the event, wrote the article and then wrote cutlines for all the photos tha appeared on B1 and B2.
Monday: I went on rounds, worked on my cemetery story and wrote a brief about the damages at Mill Creek Park from Friday's storm.
Tuesday: I went to an event in the afternoon called Underwater Undercovered at one of the libraries. The Mahoning County's Dive Team did the presentation. Then Leslie and I headed out to the craziest cemetery we've ever seen. It is more or less situated in a Wendy's parking lot. It was old, but not as old as Oak Hill.
Wednesday: I went out to YSU to interview the guy who gave us the tip about the 90-year-old paint store owner. I also worked on the traffic story and a story about Heelys, which will probably die because I haven't been able to find doctors who have had patients with injuries from the shoes.
Thursday: I interviewed the paint guy and then spent the rest of the day writing the piece. He told so many stories it took a really long time to sort through everything.
and I was off Friday since I worked Sunday.
Sunday: I covered Boardman High School's commencement ceremony. I attended the event, wrote the article and then wrote cutlines for all the photos tha appeared on B1 and B2.
Monday: I went on rounds, worked on my cemetery story and wrote a brief about the damages at Mill Creek Park from Friday's storm.
Tuesday: I went to an event in the afternoon called Underwater Undercovered at one of the libraries. The Mahoning County's Dive Team did the presentation. Then Leslie and I headed out to the craziest cemetery we've ever seen. It is more or less situated in a Wendy's parking lot. It was old, but not as old as Oak Hill.
Wednesday: I went out to YSU to interview the guy who gave us the tip about the 90-year-old paint store owner. I also worked on the traffic story and a story about Heelys, which will probably die because I haven't been able to find doctors who have had patients with injuries from the shoes.
Thursday: I interviewed the paint guy and then spent the rest of the day writing the piece. He told so many stories it took a really long time to sort through everything.
and I was off Friday since I worked Sunday.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
week five
Monday: I went to the Boardman YMCA for a tour and to pick up their summer schedule of events for story fodder. Then I headed out to Poland for a tour through the forest following the wildflower spotter list created by a local woman. I wrote up the wildflower story afterward.
Tuesday: I worked on the wildflower story some more. I think this was a really slow day.
Wednesday: I did a story about the library's Baby Brilliant program, which promotes early literacy skills in children ages 0-3. I went to a program at the Boardman library. Then I went on rounds for Denise. While at the Boardman police station, my car window decided to break, which led to my driver side door not being openable. Fun crawling over the console. I wrote the literacy story after rounds.
Thursday: I went on rounds. Made lots of cemetery phone calls and traffic phone calls. Began viewing traffic maps of Mahoning and Trumbull counties.
Friday: Composed the list of the top ten busiest sections of roads in Trumbull and Mahoning counties and then cleared the list with the company who makes the counts for a traffic story. Then I began work on a cemetery story about interesting people and headstones and stories. I went to Oak Hill where all the people with old money are buried. Then I headed out to Calvary, which is predominately Catholic and houses some local mob families and other personalities. Then I continued on to the Mahoning County Historical Society for some cemetery information. While there, the huge storm hit, the tornado siren went off and I spent a half hour or so in the basement of the building.
Tuesday: I worked on the wildflower story some more. I think this was a really slow day.
Wednesday: I did a story about the library's Baby Brilliant program, which promotes early literacy skills in children ages 0-3. I went to a program at the Boardman library. Then I went on rounds for Denise. While at the Boardman police station, my car window decided to break, which led to my driver side door not being openable. Fun crawling over the console. I wrote the literacy story after rounds.
Thursday: I went on rounds. Made lots of cemetery phone calls and traffic phone calls. Began viewing traffic maps of Mahoning and Trumbull counties.
Friday: Composed the list of the top ten busiest sections of roads in Trumbull and Mahoning counties and then cleared the list with the company who makes the counts for a traffic story. Then I began work on a cemetery story about interesting people and headstones and stories. I went to Oak Hill where all the people with old money are buried. Then I headed out to Calvary, which is predominately Catholic and houses some local mob families and other personalities. Then I continued on to the Mahoning County Historical Society for some cemetery information. While there, the huge storm hit, the tornado siren went off and I spent a half hour or so in the basement of the building.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
week four. one-third of the way done
Monday: a holiday. yay!
Tuesday: I went to Austintown Fitch to do a story about art students there who painted a mural as part of a project for their student teacher. I also called Poland's Streetscapes to hear about their summer plans.
Wednesday: Got the art story written and worked on a brief about a charity football event.
Thursday: I went to a yoga class at Mill Creek Park, which was amazing. I spent the rest of the day working on the story. My factboxes were as long as the story, but they turned out really sweet.
Friday: off because of Ted Scripps Leadership Institute in Indianapolis.
Tuesday: I went to Austintown Fitch to do a story about art students there who painted a mural as part of a project for their student teacher. I also called Poland's Streetscapes to hear about their summer plans.
Wednesday: Got the art story written and worked on a brief about a charity football event.
Thursday: I went to a yoga class at Mill Creek Park, which was amazing. I spent the rest of the day working on the story. My factboxes were as long as the story, but they turned out really sweet.
Friday: off because of Ted Scripps Leadership Institute in Indianapolis.
Monday, May 28, 2007
more work
So I've been lazy and haven't updated, but I've been keeping track anyway.
Wedesday: Worked on the canes story, wrote a brief about a police camp
Thursday: More canes, trees, wrote a road construction brief
Friday: I went on rounds and wrote two briefs from those and turned in the watershed story
Monday: I wrote an article about an Easter Seals piggy bank that had been revamped by some local school kids
Tuesday: I went to the library to talk to the PR lady about upcoming events
Wednesday: Went to Mill Creek MetroParks office to talk about summer events, finished the canes story
Thursday: Made changes to the watershed story, interviewed a woman about a National Register Historic Places sign that she applied for for her neighborhood
Friday: Went on rounds, wrote two briefs - one was an attempted murder, started an article about a charity football game, covered an elementary school carnival, wrote the article
Wedesday: Worked on the canes story, wrote a brief about a police camp
Thursday: More canes, trees, wrote a road construction brief
Friday: I went on rounds and wrote two briefs from those and turned in the watershed story
Monday: I wrote an article about an Easter Seals piggy bank that had been revamped by some local school kids
Tuesday: I went to the library to talk to the PR lady about upcoming events
Wednesday: Went to Mill Creek MetroParks office to talk about summer events, finished the canes story
Thursday: Made changes to the watershed story, interviewed a woman about a National Register Historic Places sign that she applied for for her neighborhood
Friday: Went on rounds, wrote two briefs - one was an attempted murder, started an article about a charity football game, covered an elementary school carnival, wrote the article
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
the end of week one and the start of week two
Friday: the day was slow. i did a rewrite on a salvation army camp in the area and finished the free trip to israel story. then i spent the afternoon researching the rev. graham locking, from newmarket, suffolk, england, who was in town speaking at a methodist church in howland. i set up an interview time with him on monday.
Monday: started the day at HUM interviewing the reverend from Britain. he's the first chaplain to the horse racing industry in the UK. in the afternoon i went to poland village town hall to look at some canes that belonged to president mckinley that are being moved from the hall to the library. the history is quite unclear. made some more inquiries into the boardman vietnam veterans plaque and found one father. that leaves four unknown relatives.
Tuesday: the chaplain story was my first byline and it appeared on B1. wrote the boardman vietnam story. i've got some really good anecdotes for it. there are now three unknown relatives. started writing the cane story. made some more phone calls, but didn't get anywhere. i spent a long time researching the history of the wood that the canes came from. wrote a rewrite about relay for life. began a second rewrite on a police camp for 12-15 year olds.
Monday: started the day at HUM interviewing the reverend from Britain. he's the first chaplain to the horse racing industry in the UK. in the afternoon i went to poland village town hall to look at some canes that belonged to president mckinley that are being moved from the hall to the library. the history is quite unclear. made some more inquiries into the boardman vietnam veterans plaque and found one father. that leaves four unknown relatives.
Tuesday: the chaplain story was my first byline and it appeared on B1. wrote the boardman vietnam story. i've got some really good anecdotes for it. there are now three unknown relatives. started writing the cane story. made some more phone calls, but didn't get anywhere. i spent a long time researching the history of the wood that the canes came from. wrote a rewrite about relay for life. began a second rewrite on a police camp for 12-15 year olds.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Almost finished with week one
Essentially, I'm going to use this to keep track of what I do at work. I may write about other things. It may all depend on what I feel like and how much time I have. I should update daily so that I remember what things I did at work.
Went on Boardman and Poland rounds with Denise. Learned the ranks. Wrote a brief about a woman who stole $10,000 worth of jewelry from J.C. Penney. Started a story on Boardman's Memorial Day parade.
Went to Poland for rounds. Returned to newsroom and drove Angie to St. E's in Austintown to talk to the police officer who was shot. Finished the parade story. Started a story on watershed.
Made the entire rounds trip with no interruptions. Lots of crime in Boardman. Wrote three briefs and two were printed. Those printed were on a Molotov cocktail and drug possesion and trafficking. Worked on the watershed story. Started a story on some area teens going on a free trip to Israel.
Interviewed someone for the Israel story. Went on rounds by myself. Talked to my second source for the Israel story. Wrote a brief which turned into a story about a guy jumping at a school bus window, inducing panic. Then spent lots of time working on a story about a government official not paying for his chicken wings, solely based on some confusion about store names and locations. Stayed an hour and a half longer than I was supposed to.
So that's up to now. I'll check in again tomorrow.
Went on Boardman and Poland rounds with Denise. Learned the ranks. Wrote a brief about a woman who stole $10,000 worth of jewelry from J.C. Penney. Started a story on Boardman's Memorial Day parade.
Went to Poland for rounds. Returned to newsroom and drove Angie to St. E's in Austintown to talk to the police officer who was shot. Finished the parade story. Started a story on watershed.
Made the entire rounds trip with no interruptions. Lots of crime in Boardman. Wrote three briefs and two were printed. Those printed were on a Molotov cocktail and drug possesion and trafficking. Worked on the watershed story. Started a story on some area teens going on a free trip to Israel.
Interviewed someone for the Israel story. Went on rounds by myself. Talked to my second source for the Israel story. Wrote a brief which turned into a story about a guy jumping at a school bus window, inducing panic. Then spent lots of time working on a story about a government official not paying for his chicken wings, solely based on some confusion about store names and locations. Stayed an hour and a half longer than I was supposed to.
So that's up to now. I'll check in again tomorrow.
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